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Is Your Microsoft 365 Data Protected?

Back-up your data and protect all your virtual servers with Cirrus. It’s safe, simple, and cost effective!

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Don’t leave your Microsoft 365 data unprotected

Cup of tea
For less than the price of a fancy coffee, Cirrus provides an affordable and effective automated back-up of all Microsoft 365 data, one of the most used business tools in the world.
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Your Data is at Risk:
Why Data Backup is so Important

The global overnight shift to remote working has meant that protecting your data is more important than ever. Millions of companies use Microsoft 365 for better connectivity and efficiency, but did you know they offer limited data protection and recovery options? Cirrus gives you the peace of mind that your most valuable data is always protected.

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Why Cirrus?

Cirrus backs-up and protects all your Microsoft 365 data including Outlook emails, calendar and contacts, Sharepoint Sites, Onedrive for business files plus Teams Chats and Channels.


We have the solutions and programs to help you grow your business, protect your clients, and enable them to become more cyber resilient in an interconnected world.


Easy to set-up and use, plus our technical team can help with any teething issues.


Restoration can be a single email or file through to an entire mailbox or complete SharePoint site

At Exertis we give you complete confidence when moving to a cloud-based infrastructure, supporting you all the way to Cloud success. Rest-assured we will provide you with the support you need to offer Cirrus to your end-point users.
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Cirrus protects you from these threats

Full Coverage
Full Coverage

Microsoft’s Shared Responsibility Model makes it clear that the owner of the data is responsible for the backup of their data


Many sectors are subject to data retention requirements that mean they need to keep individual user data for up to 7 years


With threats and the average ransom payout on the rise, your data could be a sitting target

Accidental Deletion
Accidental Deletion

Ensure deleted data is easily restored Without proper protection it is easy to delete a user’s mailbox and their data by accident


If your data was to become corrupted, you need to be able to restore uncorrupted data. Restore uncorrupted data with Cirrus

etrospective Investigation
Retrospective Investigation

Microsoft 365 automatically deletes a departing employee’s data, unless you protect it with Cirrus.

Don’t just take our word for it!

“Cirrus solves a real challenge and gives my business peace of mind that our critical 365 data is protected no matter what.”

Jeremy Balius, Managing Director Volt Lab.

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